The Journal of Selcuk University Social Sciences Institute (SUSBED); It aims to increase the quality of research by carefully evaluating and publishing original studies with scientific qualities at national and international level in the field of social sciences in accordance with scientific rules and science ethics, and supporting theoretical and research-oriented studies. This purpose; With the entrepreneurial and innovative approach of our Selcuk University, it has the questioning and analytical mindset of the future together with all its stakeholders; to raise competent, productive and virtuous individuals who are committed to national values; It is in line with the mission of conducting and implementing research focused on sustainable development for the world and our country, and with the vision of becoming a leading research university in the production of knowledge and technology, aiming at continuous development. For this purpose, SUSBED aims to be among the priority journals preferred in the field of social sciences.
Selcuk University Journal of Social Sciences Institute includes theoretical and empirical studies and expert evaluations.
• The language of article writing in the journal is Turkish and English.
• The studies to be published in our journal must be studies that have been published anywhere before or that have not entered the evaluation process.
• In our journal, only doctoral thesis summaries can be published within thesis summaries.
• Studies to be published in the journal are evaluated by at least two referees with a blind referee system.
• The target audience of Selcuk University Journal of Social Sciences Institute; academics, researchers, students and academic institutions.
The Editorial Board of Selcuk University Journal of Social Sciences Institute undertakes to comply with the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) criteria.
Publication Language:
Full Text Publication Language:
• Primary Language: Turkish
Secondary Language: English
Content Written in English and Latin Alphabet:
• Article Title: Turkish & English
• Author's Name: Turkish (in Latin Alphabet)
• Author's Address: Turkish (in Latin Alphabet)
• Keywords: Turkish & English
• References: Turkish & English (in Latin Alphabet)
Full Text: Turkish & English (in Latin Alphabet)
Subject Category:
Social Sciences
Social Issues
1. The journal is a peer-reviewed scientific publication of the Social Sciences Institute of Selcuk University and is published 3 times a year (April, August and December). Research in the field of Social Sciences is included in the journal.
2. It is obligatory that the works to be published in the journal have not been published in any scientific journal before.
3. The language of article writing in the journal is Turkish and English. Spelling and punctuation are based on the latest edition of the TDK Spelling Guide. Submitted articles must be clear and understandable, in accordance with scientific criteria in terms of language and expression.
4. In the studies to be sent to our journal, an Ethics Committee Decision should be taken, stating that "all kinds of research conducted with qualitative or quantitative approaches that require data collection from the participants using survey, interview, focus group work, observation, experiment, interview techniques", before starting the study, and after that, the study is allowed. work must be completed. Articles should include a statement about compliance with Research and Publication Ethics.
5. In studies that require ethics committee permission, information about the permission (name of the committee, date and number) should be included in the method section and also on the first/last page of the article. In case reports, information about signing the informed consent/consent form should be included in the article.
6. Articles are on A4 size (210 x 297 mm) vertical paper; 3.5 cm from the top and bottom edges, 2.5 cm from the right and left edges. It should be written in “Garamond” character, 11 points, with spaces left and justified; The entire text (including references and extended abstract) should not exceed 10,000 words.
7. The articles to be sent to the journal should be written in Microsoft Word program. The title of the work should be in capital letters and bold, in 16 points with "Garamond" font in the middle of the work. Just below the title, the branch of science (eg business administration, economics, international relations, etc.) to which the study belongs and the type of study (research / paper / promotion / review / case report) should be stated.
8. Write the name of the author or authors, leaving a blank line just below the title of the study; Title, institution (university), author numbers and e-mail addresses from should be given at the bottom of the page with a (*) sign. If the work has been supported by any institution, the name of the supporting institution should be placed on the last word of the main title of the article and the name of the supporting institution should be given as a footnote on the same page.
9. The summary of the study should be written after the names of the author and the author, with a blank line. The Turkish abstract of the study should be at least 150 and at most 200 words. The abstract should be written in "Garamond" character and 9 points.
10. The study should contain Turkish keywords consisting of at least 3 and at most 7 words.
11. The English title, summary, keywords and type of the study should be written with 1 line space right after the Turkish keywords, taking into account the criteria mentioned above. The English summary of the work should be considered as a summary of the work and should be a minimum of 150 and a maximum of 200 words.
12. Articles should have an extended summary of 600-800 words in English. The English title of the study should be presented above the English abstract. The extended summary should include information about the research, purpose, problem, method, findings and conclusions. Below the extended abstract, there should be 3-7 English keywords representing the content of the study. In the article, the extended summary in English should be placed before the bibliography. Extended abstract in English is only required for Turkish articles. Extended abstracts are not required for articles in English.
13. The main text of the study should be written by leaving 1 line space right after the English keywords, especially the Introduction. The titles used in the study should be numbered. All titles should be written with the first letter capitalized. One line space should be left before the titles used in the study.
14. Paragraph dimensions to be used during the text to be written throughout the study, the text should be justified, the first line should be 0.5 cm. and at least 12nk line spacing should be used.
15. Figures to be used in the study should be numbered from 1 and named and placed under the figure. Just below the name of the figure, the bibliography of the figure should be stated in full. The font to be used in the bibliography of the figures is 9 points.
16. The tables to be used in the study should be numbered from 1 and named and placed above the table. Just below the table, the bibliography of the table should be stated in full. The font to be used in the tables and in the bibliography of the table is 9 points.
17. In our journal, only doctoral thesis summaries can be published within thesis summaries, in accordance with the publication policy.
18. Studies submitted to the journal are evaluated within the framework of the plagiarism report declared at the application stage. Articles that do not comply with research and publication ethics or that have a risk of plagiarism are not evaluated. In this framework, if the similarity rate detected by the TURNITIN or IThenticate screening programs is above 15%, the relevant study cannot be published even if it is approved by the referee. If the study was published without noticing the situation, once the situation is noticed, access to the relevant study is blocked and the study is removed from the publication list and from the full issue. Again, in line with the report, the similarity rate of the articles to a single source cannot be higher than 3%. During the application, the author(s) should upload the TURNITIN or iThenticate report together with the study to the system.
19. Articles are sent to our journal only through the DergiPark system. In order to submit an article to the journal, it is necessary to have a DergiPark user account and ORCID ID number.
20. To be sent to the journal
• For Turkish articles;
Main title; Author(s) Name and Surname; Institution of the Author(s) (the responsible author must be specified and their e-mail address must be provided); Summary; Keywords; English Title; Abstract; Keywords; Login; Material and Method; Findings and Discussion (or Findings); Conclusion (or Discussion and Conclusion); It should be arranged as Extended Summary and References in English.
• For articles in English;
English main title, Author(s) Name and Surname; Institution of Author(s) (responsible author-corresponding author must be specified and e-mail address must be given); Abstract; Keywords; Turkish Title; Summary; Keywords; Introduction; Materials and Methods; Results (or Results and Discussion); Discussion and Conclusion (or Conclusion); It should be organized as References.
21. The sources used should be stated in the text according to the surname of the author, year and page number system, and the names of the authors should be written in capital letters, other letters in lowercase. In the two-author reference statement and (if the article was prepared in English and); In the declaration of three or more references, the abbreviation et al., (if the article was prepared in English) should be used. References used in the text should be given in alphabetical order without using numbers at the end of the text (in the references section).
In-text references (citations) and bibliography should be based on APA version 7. In-text citations and bibliographies of articles can be found in Endnote or Microsoft Word Office, etc. It is obligatory to send it as arranged in accordance with APA 7 with reference tools such as The texts that are not in the appropriate bibliography order, converted to static text, manually created references and bibliography are returned to the author.
• In case of a single author; (Hotamış, 2007)
• In case of two authors; (Hotamış & Bayhan, 2009)
• In case of more than two authors; (Hotamış et al., 2006)
• If more than one author is given consecutively; (Hotamış, 2005; Hotamış & Bayhan, 2006; Karasan et al., 2007)
22. The text of the works published in the same year by the same author should be shown in the text (Hotamış, 2008a; 2008b).
23. In cases where the name of the author is not known, the expression Anonymous, year should be used for the Turkish source both in the text and in the references section. The foreign source whose author is not known is Anon in the text. year should be given as Anonymous year in the references section.
24. Internet resources should be given in the text (Hotamış, 2003) in the form of years.
In the References section, the URL should be shown as the year and the page address should be written clearly.
• Articles:
Yildiz, H. (2019). Comparative vocabulary of Old Turkish and Yakut: Words starting with vowels. Istanbul University Faculty of Letters Journal of Turkish Language and Literature, 59(1), 233-254. doi: 10.26650/TUDED2019-0010.
Balcı, S., Tanacı, F., Dağlı, A. N., & Bayrak, E. (2019). Political Information and Media in the Constitutional Amendment Referendum Process of April 16, 2017: A Comparison by Education Level. Journal of Communication, 6(1), 1-16. doi: 10.17680/erciyesiletisim.424135.
• Papers:
Bilkan, A. F. (2007). The place and importance of Amasya in the cultural life of the Ottoman period. Y. Bayram (Jun.), in the Proceedings of the I. Amasya Studies Symposium (pp. 611-620). Hilal Publications.
• Books/ Chapter in a Book
Davutoglu, A. (2001). Strategic Depth, Turkey's International Position. Küre Publications.
Steinberg, A. (2014). Young Voters and Political Participation with Web 2.0: Can Facebook Increase Young Citizens' Election Participation?. In Barış Çoban (Ed.), Social Media Revolution (pp. 154-171), Su Publishing House.
Moy, P., Xenos, M. A., & Hussain, M. M. (2013). News and political entertainment effects on democratic citizenship. In E. Scharrer (Ed.), The international encyclopedia of media studies. (pp. 463–483) Wiley-Blackwell.
• Theses:
Ozkan, T. (1997). Credit pricing techniques in commercial banking. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Istanbul University, Institute of Social Sciences, Department of Money and Banking.
• Encyclopedias
Bergmann, P.C. (1993). Relativity. In The new encyclopedia Britannica (Vol. 26, pp. 501-508). Encyclopedia Britannica.
• Electronic Resources
McDonnell, J. (2019). Municipality Size, Political Efficacy and Political Participation: A Systematic Review. Local Government Studies, 2019.1600510, [Accessed: 10 September 2019]. [Accessed: 11 March 2019].
• Periodicals / Journals:
Yücelt, U. and Marcella, M. (1996). Services Marketing in the Lodging Industry: an Empirical Investigation. Journal of Travel Research, 34(4), 32-38. doi:10.1177/004728759603400405.
• Institution Publication:
ITO (2003), Economic Report, ITO Publications No: 2003-57.
25. Before the article is submitted to the journal editor, its compliance with the spelling rules should be checked.
26. All responsibilities of the published articles and translations belong to the author.
27. Any corrections regarding the text are made by the author(s).
28. The first application for the articles to be sent to the journal should be made at
29. The articles to be published in the journal must comply with the spelling and grammar rules. The Editorial Board of the Journal has the right to request changes in terms of content and form from the owner of the work, if it deems necessary.
30. The Editorial Board of the Journal sends the articles that it finds appropriate in terms of format and design to two referees randomly assigned by the computer program, the articles are published in order according to the completion dates of the referee reports with the approval of two of the referees.
31. The usage rights of the academic content published in the Journal of Selcuk University Social Sciences Institute are under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0) unless otherwise stated.
32. In the Journal of Selcuk University Institute of Social Sciences, the authors have the right to publish an article once a year.
Journal Ethics Declaration
Editor's Obligations
1.1. Impartiality
The intellectual content of the submitted articles is evaluated regardless of the authors' race, gender, sexual orientation, age, disability, religion, ethnicity, political philosophy.
1.2. Privacy
All manuscripts should be treated as confidential documents. It should not be shown to anyone without the editor's permission. Administrators and editorial staff should not disclose information about the submitted article to anyone other than the author, referees and possible referees.
1.3. Disclosure of Information and Conflicts of Interest
Unpublished data in the submitted manuscript should not be used in their research by the editors or referees without the express consent of the author.
1.4. Release Decision
The editor of Communication and Organization decides to publish the submitted articles. The editor is guided by the Editorial Board's policy, which takes into account legal obligations regarding defamation, copyright and plagiarism. The editor can share the decision with other Editorial Board members or referees. In case of objection to the decision of the Reading Committee, the editor may request two new referees.
2- Arbitrators' Obligations
2.1. Editorial Decisions
While the article is in the refereeing process, the editorial roles of the editors are suspended and the referee process is not seen, so double-blind refereeing is preserved.
Reviewers assist the editorial team in making their decision and can also assist the author in improving the quality of the manuscript.
2.2. Delays and Deadlines
When a visiting reviewer does not feel competent enough to evaluate the research presented in the manuscript or realizes that he is unable to present his report in a timely manner, he should promptly inform the editor to allow him time to contact other reviewers.
2.3. Objectivity, Courtesy and Respect Standards
Reports should be objective. Personal opinions and criticisms directed to the author or offensive statements regarding the text content are not appropriate. The reviewer's opinion should be clear, well debated, and respectful to the author.
2.4. Representation of Resources
The referee should identify appropriate publications that are not cited by the author. Any such indicator must be accompanied by an appropriate interpretation. The reviewer should draw the attention of the editor to any similarity, any overlap between the article and previously published data.
2.5. Disclosure of Information and Conflicts of Interest
Information and ideas obtained through anonymous replay are confidential and should not be used for the personal benefit of the reviewer. Reviewers should not agree to review articles that could result in a conflict of interest arising from competitive, collaborative or other relationships with authors.
3- Authors' Obligations
The information contained in manuscripts submitted for publication should present the results of the authors' research and an objective discussion and significance of these results. Basic data must be presented accurately. Fraudulent and intentional misinformation is considered unethical and unacceptable.
A description of research done by others should always be given. Authors should refer to publications affecting the study in question.
3.1. Originality and plagiarism
Authors should ensure that they have written a completely original work, and if they have used other people's books or statements, it should be cited appropriately.
3.2. Multiple Application and Publishing
An author should not submit articles representing the same study to more than one journal (or book). Submitting the same article to more than one journal is unethical and unacceptable.
3.3. To whom the work belongs
Only authors with significant contributions to the work in question are accepted as authors. All contributors to the study should be included in the author list. If some aspects of the research project were involved in others, these should be mentioned in the acknowledgments. The lead author should make sure that all co-authors and only they are included in the list of authors of the article, that the co-authors have seen and approved the latest version of the article and agreed to submit the article.
3.4. Disclosure of Information and Conflicts of Interest
All authors should indicate any conflict of interest as a result of their biographical presentation that may affect their proposed publications. The funding of research projects that made the work possible should be specified.
3.5. Error in Printing
If the author detects a material error or mistake in his or her publication, his or her responsibility is to inform the editor quickly and to consider the withdrawal of the article or the publication of the information regarding the error in agreement with the responsible person.
Correction, Retraction, Expression of Concern
Editors of Selçuk University Journal of Social Sciences Institute (SUSBED) may consider publishing corrections if minor errors that do not affect the findings, interpretations and conclusions are detected in the published article. Editors should consider retracting the manuscript in the case of major errors/violations that invalidate the findings and conclusions. If there is a possibility of misuse of research or publication by the authors; If there is evidence that the findings are unreliable and the authors' institutions are not investigating the incident, or if the potential investigation appears unfair or inconclusive, editors should consider publishing an expression of concern. Regarding corrections, retractions or expressions of concern, the COPE guideline is taken into account.
Publication of Studies Based on Surveys and Interviews
Selçuk University Social Sciences Institute Journal (SUSBED) adopts the principles of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) "Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors" and "Code of Conduct for Journal Publishers" in order to create ethical assurance in scientific periodical publishing. In this context, the following points must be observed in studies submitted to the journal:
1) For research conducted in all branches of science that require ethics committee permission (ethics committee approval must be obtained, this approval must be stated and documented in the article.
2) In research requiring ethics committee permission, information about the permission (committee name, date and issue number) can be found in the method section, as well as on one of the first/last pages of the article; In case reports, information about signing the informed consent/consent form should be included in the article.
Special Issue Publishing Policy
Selçuk University Journal of Social Sciences Institute (SUSBED) may publish a special issue once a year by the decision of the Editor or Publication Board. Articles submitted for inclusion in the special issue are first subjected to editorial preliminary review. The articles to be sent for the special issue are examined for compliance with the spelling rules and the plagiarism report is requested to be uploaded to the system to prevent plagiarism. After these stages, the articles are evaluated with a blind referee system.
Control Policy to Prevent Plagiarism
Ethical violations such as plagiarism cannot be accepted by Selçuk University Journal of Social Sciences Institute (SUSBED). It is primarily the responsibility of the author(s) to ensure that such violations are not included in the submitted manuscripts.
In order for the studies sent to the journal to be included in the evaluation process, the study is scanned by the authors in the iThenticate or TURNITIN program. If the similarity rate is over 15%, the relevant study cannot be published even if it receives referee approval. If the study is published before the situation is noticed, once the situation is noticed, access to the relevant study is blocked and the study is removed from the publication list and the full issue. Again, according to the report, the similarity rate of articles to a single source cannot be more than 3%. During the application, the author(s) must upload the TURNITIN or iThenticate report to the system along with the study.
All expenses of Selçuk University Journal of Social Sciences Institute (SUSBED) are covered by Selçuk University Social Sciences Institute. The acceptance of articles in the journal, execution of the processes and article publication are not charged. No fee is charged for articles sent to the journal or accepted for publication.
Financial Policy
Selçuk University Social Sciences Institute Journal is an open access journal, no fee is charged for the journal.
The author is not paid for published articles.
All financial and legal copyright transactions of the articles are carried out by the author.
No financial support is provided to the article owner for copyright fees or any other fees.
The author is deemed to have accepted all financial, legal and scientific responsibility from the date of sending his article to the Journal of Selçuk University Social Sciences Institute.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License